Shake Down

December 15, 2017 Boca Grande, Florida

We finally made it out of Charlotte Harbor! We spent 5 days working on our engine and waiting for parts to come via UPS. After many $$$$, repairing, replacing and calling in the big guns…diesel mechanics, we were able to depart….yay!!

We worked our way out of the canal which I had now become familiar with. We had attempted it the week before when we first experienced engine troubles. I was more relaxed as a result of being more familiar with the canals and shallow spots. As we were at the end of the canal we entered the dreaded lock without incident. I had casually mentioned to our boatyard neighbor that I was a little nervous about the lock and had heard it could be kind of “violent” and he firmly responded “You should be nervous!” It was still stressful but not as I had anticipated…another milestone.

When we left the lock the channel led into the Myakka River and we followed the narrow Myakka River into Charlotte Harbor and started to sail. 

We had a southerly wind as we came down through Charlotte Harbor at about 10 knots but our engine was once again heating up…arghhh, so we put up a reefed main sail, our genoa and the small jib on the inner fore stay and started moving!

Westsails are often referred to as Wes-snails so we didn’t have high expectations of moving along at a good clip but almost immediately after raising our sails we started flying! We heeled quite far over and Mark had to assure me we wouldn’t tip. It was beautiful, exhilarating and also tiring. Holding the tiller against the wind was taxing my strength but we were making great time and arrived at our destination just as the sun was going down.

We’re moored in a beautiful protected area just off Boca Grande, Gasperilla Island, not to be confused with Little Gasperilla which I mentioned in an earlier blog. It’s a beautiful, well-heeled  bridged island and a lovely place to anchor.


Mark’s description of our first official day out:

“Finally got clear of Interceptor Lake yesterday and had a fantastic sail down Charlotte Harbor, tacking our way into a 10 knot breeze. Tarwathie averaged well over 5 knots, pointing a little under 45 degrees. After we turned the corner toward Boca Grande, she covered the last 9 miles in 75 minutes, just as it was getting dark. Outstanding day! The engine still tends toward over heating under load so we’ve still got something to figure out there. Still, it is great to be underway in such a fine sail boat.”
